


Hebe Ni


怀着对本土餐饮国际化理念的执着和儿时记忆味道的依恋,廊桥THE BRIDGE创办人Hebe从英国学成归来,便有了将餐厅重塑升级,成为四川高端餐饮的新典范。在此愿景下,Hebe力邀世界名厨江振诚、国际知名建筑设计团队如恩设计研究室、世界著名酒吧顾问团队The Proof & Company等顶级餐饮团队联手打造世界级餐饮新地标,延续成都美食符号的辉煌,为宾客们带来 更加完美的用餐体验,和独一无二的味蕾旅行。





2017 Milestone

安顺廊桥最初的建筑踪迹可上溯至元代马可波罗游记中的描绘,千百年来一直与成都共生共息。它忠实地记录了时间,吸汲着这座城市不断涌流的记 忆, 成为这座城市的符号。 经历风雨飘摇数百年,桥体渐渐倾圮,古桥于二十 世纪初被一场罕见的洪灾冲毁。本世纪初,成都市市政府在安顺古桥旧址的基 础上进行修葺,使其得以恢复大致原貌,成为集文化、餐饮、通行功能为一体的景观桥 。

2017 年 , 我们邀请到如恩设计研究室 (Neri & Hu Design and Research Offce) 为廊桥进行全面改造, 在建筑手法上结合成都本土的传统建筑语言,以 “漂浮的灯笼”为设计概念,创造出极具吸引力的空间来满足顾客的所有感官,将空间体验演绎成 为一段层次丰富,值得无限回味的旅程




The Bridge 荣获“2018中国年度酒单大


THE BRIDGE 廊桥餐厅获2019

近日,由美国《SURFACE》杂志举办的2019年度Surface旅行大奖(Surface Travel Award)揭晓获奖名单。中国成都的THE BRIDGE 廊桥餐厅获得2019年度国际餐厅单元“年度杰出新餐厅”(Standout Restaurant Openings of the Year),也是大陆地区唯一获得此殊荣的餐厅!


Recently, "The 2019 Surface Travel Award" has been announced by the magazine. Chengdu, THE BRIDGE Restaurant has rewared the "Standout Restaurant Openings of THE Year" in 2019 annual international Restaurant unit, and it is the only one has won THE title of THE Restaurant in THE greater China region!




“Whether it was light bites in a geodesic dome, dinner in an architectural wonder submerged into the North Sea, or brunch in a Sinatra-era ocean club, the restaurant finalists for the Surface Travel Awards demonstrate an imagination that goes beyond the plate.”


杂志专题总监Nate Storey对于THE BRIDGE廊桥是这样称赞的:“餐厅位于复建后的安顺廊桥之上,位置独特。国际知名设计团队对原有建筑进行全面改造升级,在保留传统建筑的结构和屋顶轮廓的原则下,以‘漂浮的灯笼’为理念,用当代手法为世界华人名厨江振诚(André Chiang)在中国内地首家餐厅的室内设计赋予了全新的生命力!”。


The Director of magazine Nate Storey said:" When housed in a storied landmark like the anshun Bridge, even a slapped-together concept can garner foot traffic.This team, however, employed Neri & Hu Design and Research, masters of mood and setting, yielding a space that respects the structure's bones, encasing them lantern-like in glass. The end result breathes new life into the interiors with contemporary touches fit for Michelin-grade chef Andre Chiangs first restaurant in China."




For the past three decades while continually adapting to new digital media platforms, Surface has upheld the values of high-quality digital and print journalism. 

In addition to publishing four collectible print issues a year, Surface offers a robust digital newsroom focused on art and design news from around the globe, a daily Design Dispatch newsletter with the latest trends, exclusive series like How It’s Made and Studio Visits that take a deep-dive into an artist’s or brand’s world, and hard-hitting profiles—all with the goal of providing you with the latest and freshest content in art and design.



值此THE BRIDGE廊桥两周年欢庆之际,一直致力于川菜国际化,将川菜传播出去的THE BRIDGE廊桥携手世界名厨江振诚先生,蝉联黑珍珠一钻殊荣。


On the occasion of its second anniversary, THE BRIDGE has been honoured with a one diamond award by the Black Pearl Restaurant Guide, in recognition of its commitment to the internationalisation of Sichuan cuisine.


评委推荐理由:名厨江振诚主理,诠释新一代的特色川味。菜品精致有创意,在川菜既有架构上进行改良,选材用料用心,摆盘也不做作,的确配得上THE BRIDGE廊桥这个著名景点,可作为成都对外的一张名片。


Why the experts recommend THE BRIDGE: With THE BRIDGE, Chef André Chiang has created a new interpretation of Sichuan cuisine. His dishes build on the traditions of Sichuan-style cookery, using premium ingredients and modern cooking and plating techniques where appropriate. As a result, THE BRIDGE has become an international destination for modern Sichuan dining.


The Bridge 荣获“2018中国年度酒单大

近日,由美国《SURFACE》杂志举办的2019年度Surface旅行大奖(Surface Travel Award)揭晓获奖名单。中国成都的THE BRIDGE 廊桥餐厅获得2019年度国际餐厅单元“年度杰出新餐厅”(Standout Restaurant Openings of the Year),也是大陆地区唯一获得此殊荣的餐厅!


Recently, "The 2019 Surface Travel Award" has been announced by the magazine. Chengdu, THE BRIDGE Restaurant has rewared the "Standout Restaurant Openings of THE Year" in 2019 annual international Restaurant unit, and it is the only one has won THE title of THE Restaurant in THE greater China region!




“Whether it was light bites in a geodesic dome, dinner in an architectural wonder submerged into the North Sea, or brunch in a Sinatra-era ocean club, the restaurant finalists for the Surface Travel Awards demonstrate an imagination that goes beyond the plate.”


杂志专题总监Nate Storey对于THE BRIDGE廊桥是这样称赞的:“餐厅位于复建后的安顺廊桥之上,位置独特。国际知名设计团队对原有建筑进行全面改造升级,在保留传统建筑的结构和屋顶轮廓的原则下,以‘漂浮的灯笼’为理念,用当代手法为世界华人名厨江振诚(André Chiang)在中国内地首家餐厅的室内设计赋予了全新的生命力!”。


The Director of magazine Nate Storey said:" When housed in a storied landmark like the anshun Bridge, even a slapped-together concept can garner foot traffic.This team, however, employed Neri & Hu Design and Research, masters of mood and setting, yielding a space that respects the structure's bones, encasing them lantern-like in glass. The end result breathes new life into the interiors with contemporary touches fit for Michelin-grade chef Andre Chiangs first restaurant in China."




For the past three decades while continually adapting to new digital media platforms, Surface has upheld the values of high-quality digital and print journalism. 

In addition to publishing four collectible print issues a year, Surface offers a robust digital newsroom focused on art and design news from around the globe, a daily Design Dispatch newsletter with the latest trends, exclusive series like How It’s Made and Studio Visits that take a deep-dive into an artist’s or brand’s world, and hard-hitting profiles—all with the goal of providing you with the latest and freshest content in art and design.


THE BRIDGE 廊桥餐厅获2019

值此THE BRIDGE廊桥两周年欢庆之际,一直致力于川菜国际化,将川菜传播出去的THE BRIDGE廊桥携手世界名厨江振诚先生,蝉联黑珍珠一钻殊荣。


On the occasion of its second anniversary, THE BRIDGE has been honoured with a one diamond award by the Black Pearl Restaurant Guide, in recognition of its commitment to the internationalisation of Sichuan cuisine.


评委推荐理由:名厨江振诚主理,诠释新一代的特色川味。菜品精致有创意,在川菜既有架构上进行改良,选材用料用心,摆盘也不做作,的确配得上THE BRIDGE廊桥这个著名景点,可作为成都对外的一张名片。


Why the experts recommend THE BRIDGE: With THE BRIDGE, Chef André Chiang has created a new interpretation of Sichuan cuisine. His dishes build on the traditions of Sichuan-style cookery, using premium ingredients and modern cooking and plating techniques where appropriate. As a result, THE BRIDGE has become an international destination for modern Sichuan dining.